Improve search engine placement: the importance of backlinks-
Google wants to
display at the top of search engine results, because it is likely to be what
you are looking people are looking for. Remember that the main goal of the Google
search is to provide users with the information they were looking for when he
ran the search. Google believes that this is likely if the sites that puts a
lot of people like at the top of the list.

When search
engines (led by Google) began his presentation on the background of the
algorithm they use to find out what to give order to their sites, it was not
long before the owners of sites and savvy and unscrupulous and began trying to game
the system for search engine placement optimization. Will build 'link farms' of
thousands of sites, and linking all to each other. In the beginning, some of
them little more than a long list of links.
Of course, it did not take Google long to find out what was happening. Received
from the by does not give great weight to sites that have been hosted on the
same IP address. This means that there is now a great benefit in linking to
your site from another site that you own, if you are hosted on the same server.
Until then, link exchanges also became popular. E-mail and website owners to
each other, saying, "If you link to my site, and I will link to yours."
Grown up to
provide network services, search engine placement sites where you can exchange
links automatically. However, after the time of the arrest on the search
engines for that too. These days, there is a lot of weight due to the so-called
"two-way links" - and this is where the two sites are linked back to
each other in a closed loop.
There is also no great benefit in the payment of links. He talked about the
fact Google penalize sites that have been found to do so.
Use the
'nofollow' tag on many of the blogs (especially those who use Word) led to a
great debate about how much this matters to the search engine optimization
placement. Theoretically, it tells the search engines do not follow the link.
However, most experts believe that most of the SEO robots do not at least
follow these links to discover new sites, and also give some weight to this
site when it comes to search engine rankings.
However, it may be better to spend time building links that will not have a Nofollow attribute. If you use Firefox browser (which is responsible for the
site and recommended to anyone interested SEO) you can download a simple add-on
called NoDoFollow or Search Status that will show you the links nofollow by
shining a light on them when you view a Web page. This means you can easily see
a blog that has links to nofollow on their comments, for example.
To summarize, the background is probably the most important form of off-page
SEO that you can do for your site. However, you need to be careful about the
type of background, which is building if you want to be sure that they will
have the desired effect of search engine optimization.